Executive MastermindMy Executive Mastermind Clients’ Journey:

As an Executive Mastermind type of person, you are already searching. You attend seminars, webinars and online classes, read books and talk to people, always looking for something but unsure what it is. Something in your life has changed, but you may, or may not be aware of what it is.

It might have been a traumatic life event, relationship, job or financial upset, or it may have been the crystallisation of some internal feeling or desire. But suddenly, life no longer has the meaning and purpose for you that it once had.

You find yourself thinking or saying “I expected more out of life than this, by now!”

You sometimes begin to doubt yourself, wonder if you can make the changes to what you desire when you feel so lost…

Then you discover Executive Mastermind Coaching and all our resources.

The very first thing I can tell you is this:

Because you have decided to or have had to make massive changes in your life, does not negate the value of who you are or what you have already learned.

Your experiences are valuable and are the foundation of who you can become!

The most important message for you:

The second and most important thing I can tell you is that I help businesses and people just like you, wanting or needing to change, reinvent or rediscover themselves, to find their life’s passion, then channel it into the new life they desire, to achieve the satisfaction, success and results they demand.

How do I do this?

Your journey with me begins with the Executive Mastermind Business Passion Program, where we discover your passion in life – whether you are in business or not, or want to create a business or a life of passion.

I help you discover your passion in life.

Then, through the Life Change 90 program over the next 6 – 12 months of coaching, we establish and instil the success strategies and habits you need in your life, to turn your passion into your life and lifestyle.

The regular coaching sessions plus the daily discipline and learnings of the life change program create the platform for your success, for the person you have chosen to develop into.

I will challenge you with more than your regular success strategies and habits. I’ll challenge your thinking to look deeply at your attitudes towards life, your enthusiasm about your life and the goals you have set. We will look at what you have already achieved, what worked and what didn’t work for you. We’ll look at your values, your aspirations and your ultimate life and how much value you place on it, as well as your belief in whether it is possible.

If your goals are not challenging you, I’ll prompt you to re-evaluate them and aim higher. If you are already aiming for the stars, I’ll make sure you have the resources and strategies you need to reach them.

Together we will make this journey, to your success!

Executive Mastermind: providing professional coaching and mentoring to small business owners and startups.

Contact  us now!

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