The Accelerated Learning Trainer Guy
I had a wake-up call recently. Linked-In posted an anniversary for me for the world to see, one that I hadn’t considered…
“Congratulations for 30 years at Executive Mastermind”
Thirty years is quite a while, and it got me reflecting on all I had achieved over those years. I decided I had amassed plenty and could certainly start to give it back, but how? How do you put a lifetime of striving and searching and studying and experimenting together into something tangible that the world can access in a way that is useful and valuable?
I turned this over in my mind for a couple of weeks, before settling on creating a program of the most powerful learning modality I had discovered. It’s Accelerated Learning – something which is as intensive and extensive and far-reaching as you wish to make it. I’ve put everything I know and have researched about it together into an offering, so that I can teach a trainer, coach or counselor or anyone who needs to influence groups or even associates to higher levels of achievement, in just a single, intensive day.
WOW! My whole life, summed up in a day?
Oh yes, but what a day!
I’ve become The Accelerated Learning Trainer Guy!
What does that mean? What does the Accelerated Learning Trainer Guy do that no-one else can?
Accelerated Learning is an incredible teaching/learning modality, one that burst into prominence in the mid-1900s when Prof Dr Georgi Lozanov demonstrated its effectiveness by teaching students a whole new language over the course of a weekend, and other such feats.

Prof Dr Georgi Lozanov
I first discovered it when I attended Money and You in 1990 and a little guy called Blair Singer stood up on stage and began to present in a way that reached me, and the hundred other people in the room. To this day, I can put myself back in that room, and I can see and hear that whole weekend happening again, as vividly as it was back then, almost 30 years ago.
In the years that followed, as I attended and volunteered at more Money and You weekends, and then Creating Wealth seminars with Blair and then Robert Kiyosaki, that this was something I could use to great effect with my business and training programs. At the time, I was doing part-time corporate rescue work, getting businesses back from the brink of bankruptcy, and as a full-time gig, running a Job Club, putting long term unemployed people back to work. Both involved highly emotionally charged clients, some on the edge of despair and ready to check out – in a variety of ways.
Some of the incredible tools I learned about, components of Accelerated Learning, changed everything for me and greatly improved my results and effectiveness with my clients. Let me tell you about just a few of them, and some of the spectacular results.
- The Emotional Tone Scale. This places a person on a vertical scale according to their emotions. Look at THIS DIAGRAM on the Soft Skills Training Page and you’ll see what I mean. Emotions are on the left and when a person is experiencing a certain level of emotion, their ability to reason and think independently changes, as does their focus, whether outward or inward, destructive or constructive. Once I understood this, it was simply a matter of learning to influence people into a positive mental state, “above the line” so that they could choose empowering directions to take. Revolutionary, and literally life-saving for some of my clients that I’ll mention shortly!
- Sub-Personalities. When you are at home, playing with the kids, you are a very different person to the one who might be called upon to make a hard-nosed decision at work, or a life-saving decision in an emergency. You are the same physical person, but mentally, psychologically, you switch between sub-personalities for these different roles, as required. Mostly. Of course, you know of some people whose legs go to jelly when they get a fright, while others are galvanised into action. As a teenager, when that gorgeous person from the accounting department smiled at you, what did that do to you? And why did it have a totally different effect on the person next to you? Understanding that we all have these sub-personalities operating under the ‘umbrella’ of YOU is important. Once we understand that this is how we operate, we can appreciate that it’s also how others operate and gaining cooperation might just be as simple as geting them to switch sub-personalities – which is something I also learned through my Accelerated Learning Training. The Accelerated Learning Trainer Guy was starting to take shape!
- Instant Conflict Resolution. What if you could stop an argument and have everyone thinking of solutions, with just half a dozen carefully chosen words? You can. It’s all part of the program, and once you understand the sub-personality aspects that each of us carries, and the role of the Emotional Tone Scale in our lives, this can become part of your language and your way of life! Imagine a life where conflict was only ever positive and a step on the way to multiple solutions that continuously presented to you? All part of what the Accelerated Learning Trainer Guy is able to teach you.
Lets look at a couple of life-changing examples of how this has affected the lives of some of my clients. Names changed of course…
Rob and Sally were Executive Mastermind Workshop Program clients – a very intensive Accelerated Learning training format. They lived down the coast on a banana farm. Rob was 58 years of age and had lived under the thumb of his tyrannical suger cane farming father all his life, except for a 6 year army enlistment period. He had never been allowed to make a decision his whole life, not at home and certainly not in the army! To complicate matters, his priest at the local church had abused him while he was in school and his family had either ignored it or chose not to believe him. At age 58, when his father died, Rob suddenly had to start making decisions. His wife Sally had seen all this happen and loved and supported him, but Rob was in a bad way.
Sally called me at 3.00 am one morning, crying. “He’s walked out and he has the shotgun – I am afraid of what to think and I’m not game to go looking for him!”
I called him and fortunately, Rob answered his mobile phone. Using the techniques I taught in our Accelerated Learning workshop, as well as moving him between sub-personalities and up the Emotional Tone Scale, I was able to bring him round to conscious and rational thinking again. No, I’m not a professional counselor, although I have studied it. I just understood where his heart and mind was at and was able to meet him there and walk him back to a shared reality.
Was that the end of it? Of course not; it took a long time, but it was a starting point. The end came when one day he called me, and Sally was in on the call, on loudspeaker. They had been to church the weekend before and at the end of the service, instead of shaking the priest’s hand, he bopped him on the nose – it was the same priest who had abused him all those years ago! The priest knew why he did it, and Rob felt a huge release as he walked out into the carpark and literally started his life all over again!
No, I didn’t advocate that path, but it was a decision Rob was able to freely make, and for him, it worked! He exorcised all his demons at once, but only because he finally understood them and understood himself.
How about something on a lighter note, more relevant to everyone?
Jenny was looking for a job. A part time job, as a highly educated and stylish married mother of three school age children, she wanted to work in school hours only. She was going through my employment training course, also an intensive Accelerated Learning program. One of the modules we worked on was how failed interviews and applications can be so devastating and disappointing. We created a flipchart to represent it. This was it:
SOME WILL, SOME WON’T, SO WHAT – NEXT! is what the letters stand for. It was all about understanding that it’s not all going to work for you every time, and to be prepared to move through the disappointment to the next opportunity.
Jenny presented to an appointment at a cheap retail shoe store for a position advertised as a casual retail assistant. The very rude manager quickly interviewed and dismissed her during a transaction, over the cash register with just two or three questions. Jenny felt humiliated and devastated. However, she turned and walked out of the store and as she did, she said that flipchart appeared in front of her like a sheet of glass that she walked through and smashed into a thousand pieces.
She left that store empowered and with passion in her steps, on the way to the next job interview she had lined up. This was for a much better job and she nailed it – walked out with exactly what she had been looking for, with a great company and lovely team to work with. All thanks to that empowering split second of Accelerated Learning magic.
That is what it’s all about. Rob and Jenny both experienced what the Accelerated Learning Trainer Guy did and it went in and stayed with them. Accelerated Learning ensures that the lessons are imprinted emotionally so that when you need them, they are triggered by the very emotions that cause the need!
I’ve created this one day intensive training program to pass on my Accelerated Learning Training experience for teaches, coaches, trainers, supervisors and counselors, in fact anyone who needs to train, teach or influence others. It could be done as a company program or I’ll also be running public workshops where individuals can come along to have a powerful and fun-filled day learning from The Accelerated Learning Trainer Guy, how to boost your training results.
If you are reliant on tangible training results and graduations from your courses to gain the next round of contracts, this is for you.
If you deliver safety training, where it is imperative that your graduates remember and can access your training in the heat of a very scary moment, this is for you.
If you are teaching and working with people with emotional challenges because of their personal circumstances, this is really for you – your trainees now are not in a state where they can take in or act on what you are trying to impart and it’s vital you change their states so they can get what you have to offer.
If you are a counselor, there are aspects of Accelerated Learning that will revolutise the outcomes for your clients, whether you are a telephone counselor and never get meet them or perhaps even learn more than their first name, or whether you meet them face to face for a series of sessions. They come to you for help at a crucial point in their lives, and this will make the difference.
To find out more, check out these pages, as well as reviewing the Soft Skills page with the Emotional Tones image above:
Til next time, take time to enjoy the life you live.
Ray Jamieson